Configure Notepad++ to Run C, C++ and Java Programs

This same process can be repeated for recovering any type of file, even recovering entire hard drives. The program will start to scan your disk for all your documents. After that, click the TXT folder to find the deleted Notepad files according to the file name, created date. If the deleted Notepad files don’t appear after the first scanning, click Deep Scan. Notepad, a universal text editor built into all versions of Windows, allows you to create, open and read plain text files.

I would recommend using a flash drive or your favorite cloud storage service. To restore, paste the backup file back in the folder where you found it replacing the old file. I would suggest taking a backup of the old file that you are replacing to prevent losing those notes.


We at Speechnotes, Speechlogger, TextHear, Speechkeys value your privacy, and that’s why we do not store anything you say or type or in fact any other data about you. We don’t share it 3rd parties, other than Google for the speech-to-text engine. Your speech is sent from the app on your device directly to Google’s speech-to-text engines for transcription, without even going through our servers. Note that Google’s privacy policies may apply. Speechnotes is based on Google’s high-end speech-recognition engines. Add to that punctuation insertion upon click and voice commands and smart capitalization, and you get one of the most advanced apps out there.

  • Once installed, you can autoformat C/C++ code by pressing Ctrl+K, Ctrl,F key combo.
  • At approximately 6″ x 5.5″, these personalized memo pads are slightly larger than your average notepad.
  • However, as for Notepad++, to reopen a closed tab, just press ALT + F1 keys.
  • Still, some plugins are hosted at

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He specializes in Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College. The code in the CSS and JavaScript files is now working.

Initial Personalized Notepad Set

A hex code is a hexadecimal number preceded by a hash symbol (#). First, find the div in your HTML code and add a class to the opening tag. Adding a class to an element will allow you to change that element only. Changing the background color of a div is identical to changing the background color of your web page’s body. You have plenty of HTML color codes to choose from. For this example, we’ll make the color #33475b.

Option #2:  Try Your Recycle Bin

Office reserves information and other doc/docx/xls/xlsx documents; files with a tilde contain data needed for a recovery. Could you search for all the .RData files on your machine? That might give you a clue as to how to get back to where you were. Personally, I have a couple automatic backups happening to make sure that I don’t lose a ton of work. It may be overkill, but I’ve never lost more than minutes of work using this system.

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