Basics and Best Practices of Nonprofit Accounting


When nonprofits raise money from individual donors, major supporters, and corporate partners, these are all considered cash contributions. Your nonprofit works to accomplish its mission, and when it comes to communicating that to donors and external stakeholders, no document is as helpful as a statement of activities. Internal controls in an organization help to ensure procedures are followed according to accounting standards to avoid theft, fraud, and unnecessary errors.


Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on financial reports to make informed decisions about their operations. The net assets featured on your nonprofit statement of activities are simply your expenses subtracted from your revenue. This calculation shows the equity of your nonprofit organization and whether you have the revenue to cover expenses, creating a sustainable organization.

The right software can streamline the processes of recording transactions, balancing bank statements, and producing accurate reports. Using great accounting software allows leadership to stay current on the financials and be sure that the focus of the organization can remain on its mission. This report, which most resembles a traditional balance sheet, shows the financial position of the nonprofit during a specific period. The statement of financial position will list the assets, liabilities, and net assets of the organization. The net assets are broken down into those with donor restrictions and those without. Non-profit organizations recognize revenue when received or based on the date of the promise, grant or contribution document.

Strategies to Help Attract New Donors

Are useful to donors and contributors to show that your nonprofit has efficiently allocated resources. Statements of activities are useful in assessing the services provided by your organization, its ability to continue those services, and how managers have performed their stewardship responsibilities. In order to keep their nonprofit status, organizations must adhere to special accounting rules set by the federal government. To comply with the rules and regulations, nonprofits use a type of accounting called fund accounting. Similar to your statement of activities, this document is also listed by restricted and unrestricted assets.

This report shows your organization’s revenue and expenses over time, ultimately allowing your organization to analyze your net assets over time. The most common recommendation for nonprofits seeking financial advice is to utilize available tools. There are great accounting software programs, specifically geared for nonprofits, that can make financial management much more efficient than manual methods.

Intermediate Measure of Operations

The best way leaders can be more involved is to understand what they are looking at. Nonprofit leaders should familiarize themselves with at least one standard report, like the Statement of Activities, and review it monthly. It’s helpful to sit with an accounting expert a couple of times a year while analyzing the financial reports so that leaders understand what fluctuations in the reports mean. The cash flow statement shows a summary of the money coming into and leaving the organization. Cash is broken into operating, investing, or financing categories on this report. The purpose of this report is to show the amount of positive or negative cash flow for each period.

financial statement

The essence of the statement of functional activities is to ensure that the management of a nonprofit strike a balance between funding programs and staff remunerations. In other words, administrative expenses shouldn’t be more than program financing. And administrative expenses shouldn’t be cut down so that you can not attract competent, qualified staff. Statement of functional activities ensures that costs are properly allocated for the efficient operation of nonprofit organizations.

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The knowledge of income statements or the statement of activities is important for nonprofit board members because it shows how the organization’s financial performance is over a specified period. It contains all revenue and expenses for a set period so that members will know how money comes in and goes out. If you are a nonprofit accountant or if you work for a nonprofit business and need help preparing a statement of functional expenses, Capital Business Solutions has the answers. We are your source of nonprofit accounting software and nonprofit accounting software consulting services.

Instead, the financial statement is showing that the organization expended some of the net assets that were obtained in a prior financial period. This is not a loss but utilizing funds for their intended purpose (thus meeting the donor-imposed restrictions). This interactive self-study course provides guidance on three issues related to the preparation of nonprofit financial statements.

What is a nonprofit Statement of Activities?

Our nonprofit accountants have had success in providing complete and accurate statements of functional expenses for nonprofit businesses. A statement of functional expenses is a matrix-style report that breaks down all of the natural and functional expenses of the nonprofit organization into one easily readable table. Nonprofit accountants need to know how to help their clients create a statement of functional expenses. If an organization is set up with adequate nonprofit accounting software, the process of creating a statement of functional expenses can be quite simple. Much like the statement of financial position, the statement of activities must distinguish restricted funds from unrestricted funds. Common revenue categories include earned revenue and donor contributions, while expenses are typically split into program and non-program expenses.

  • The cash flow statement provides a snapshot of money inflow and outflow over a given period ranging from one year, a quarter, or a month.
  • Revenue is not recognized when it is actually earned as is the case with for-profit entities.
  • As you can see, the report is divided into the revenue and expenses along the vertical axis.
  • This means that nonprofit financial reporting and management also differs from that of the for-profit world.
  • After you prepare statements or have them prepared by someone else, you may choose to include them in the annual report you put out to the public or in the financial information in orientation materials for board members.
  • Keep in mind that your Form 990 isn’t the only tax requirement that nonprofits must meet to remain compliant.

You can also use the metrics in this report to pull other information such as your organization’s months of cash on hand and months of unrestricted net assets. These show you how many months of expenses your organization has covered given your assets. The direct method tends to be more time-consuming, but also more accurate than the indirect method. It also doesn’t take appreciation or depreciation into account but uses the actual transactions made by your organization. More common is the indirect method, which uses your organization’s net income as a basis, then calculates net assets and liabilities to determine cash flows.

By what is internal control in accountinging them, board members, donors, industry watchdogs, and other interested parties can judge the performance of the nonprofit, viewing details on everything from liquidity to the effectiveness of fundraising efforts. Revenue includes grants, contributions, program fees, membership dues and investment income. Revenue will be reported in the without donor restrictions column unless the donor has imposed specific conditions on the use of the contribution. Improved management of resources can help your nonprofit organization to achieve its goals more efficiently and effectively. By understanding how to read and understand this key nonprofit financial report, you can better allocate your resources and improve your organization’s overall performance. The statement of activities report shows nonprofits how much money they have and how it is being used.

You’d rather show them all your accomplishments in your annual/impact report. There is a certain level of administrative time that an organization needs to conduct. This should be a minimal piece of the overall expenditures for an organization, but needs to be identified in their financials. The last section of the nonprofit statement of activities is the general and administrative, or “G&A” expenses. With any business, there are other costs of doing business that do not directly benefit the donor or community. Even if you are not the one preparing financial statements, this overview should give you a good idea of what they entail and why they are important.

Others support more than one program and must be allocated to the appropriate functions. If a building is shared by several programs, for example, the rent must be allocated using an objective method. Conversely, a statement of activities with natural classification would only list the expense types, such as salaries, utilities, office supplies, and others. Meanwhile, if you find that your organization is in a less healthy spot, you might instead decide to cut back on expenses where possible and consider new and efficient ways to increase your revenue. It’s much better to have an understanding of when you’ll raise the most, when you might have some slowdowns, and when expenses may fluctuate throughout the year.

The nonprofit statement of financial position is the equivalent of a for-profit balance sheet. This crucial financial report is designed to provide a snapshot of your nonprofit’s overarching financial health. A Statement of Activities, also called a Profit & Loss Statement, is a financial report that shows how much a nonprofit organization earned or spent over a period of time, typically one year. The statement can be used to track the organization’s progress and make sure it is meeting its financial goals.

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In other words, it tells how your organization generates funds to pay its debt obligation and finance its operating expenses. This aspect of the financial statements captures how your nonprofit net assets change over time. In other words, it shows whether your revenue increases or decreases as you make expenses. And it summarizes all your nonprofit’s income and expenses over a given period. Further, the financial statements help nonprofits board manage their financial resources and guide them through making informed decisions that will affect the bottom line. In addition, they provide the basis for board members to ask critical questions that will benefit the organization in the long term.

Research the tax implications of other fundraising activities you might conduct as well. Ensuring complete accuracy in these statements requires a robust financial infrastructure and support from specialized nonprofit accounting professionals. Nonprofit accounting has complex areas, and there are many nuances that must be considered during the preparation of these statements.

The statement of activities is one of the main financial statements issued by a nonprofit organization. It is prepared instead of the income statement issued by a for-profit business. Sometimes, revenue earned by nonprofit organizations has restrictions placed on it by the revenue source.

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Second, must be recognized, or recorded in the accounting records, in the year that an unconditional commitment for the funds is received, regardless of when the related expenses will occur. These principles add a complexity to nonprofit financial reports due to the timing of funding, which makes accurate and reliable accounting especially important. The following examples – an income statement and balance sheet for the fictional nonprofit Family Advocacy Network – illustrate how these rules work.

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